What I think ego death is

I couldn’t help but wonder if people are made to pick a limiting perspective regarding about the ego. They’re being pushed around to oversee its toxic traits only without full acknowledgement of what it truly is.

Opening doors for elderly people is a good example of what isn’t toxic ego. Throwing trash into the bin isn’t egotistically negative but positive. Saying your gratitude is appreciation done by your ego as well.

Why do I say that? Discerning from a majority of content creators that talk about it, they downplay the fairness of the circulated information as it is heavily distributed by mainstream media and because it is uniform with new age spirituality, most people don’t even notice what the given information promotes is a fashion of self-abandonment of any style it victimises them.

If you would have told this to some of the strong people I know, who are more than capable to choosing their own preferences, they would have laughed for dehumanising yourself. This is because the ego is a performative part of your soul’s lower self in this dense reality.

So when people propose an ego death amongst others, I see a dying culture of what could have been a national treasure becoming a religion of spiritual death. It is inconsistent to advocate for the promotion of becoming a superior commander of your own reality.

However you may kill your ego kills your connection to your higher self as a whole soul. At the level of your soul’s lower self, it plays out in your dense reality as a character within your direct link to the higher heavens. Remember that you’re spiritual being having human experiences of what happens above is also happening below? Take your time to evaluate what I’ve said on how the ego corresponds axiomatically to spirituality because it naturally is!

In this case, thus, self-abandonment is the result of being depolarised into believing what others say in disregard of your inner world. And I get that people want to compensate loneliness for human connection but your path in spirituality is yours alone.

This is shown by your character as the majority of others fill in the void they feel inside themselves with external validation through religious measures of faith amongst themselves.
No amount of human touch in it can regulate and motivate what will feel like hanging out by yourself to talk to God. If you do not want to call it God – and I don’t blame you because I’m not talking about the Jehovah/Yahweh God of the bible – call it The Spirit of the Universe, call it The Source of All Things, call it Mom of the Earth, call it Father, call it Odin, call it Jesus, call it Buddha, call it the Tao, call it the name that cannot be named.
It doesn’t matter what you call it, it just matters that you listen to the call when God is talking to you through your ego. What the ego does is translate what your higher self wants to talk about and if the connection is slightly off, then you’d have to test the spirits to check your alignment with the Source of All Things.
I believe ego death is from a mismatched feeling when your alignment to God hasn’t adapted well enough with your current attitude. Our attitude reveals our focus, and when our focus is restrained by the density of the collective’s attitude towards our connection with God, it could be confusing to approach the ego with the right attitude to form a quality spiritual connection justified by the path of your inner journey.
Other than that, just like a guy who’s broke but has the right attitude to be a better company by himself than a guy who has money but the wrong attitude, you don’t need to religiously buy into the latest spiritual trends to resemble your inner journey with sacred divinity. It really doesn’t work that way! If anything, kill that principle for what it’s worth.
In fact, true spirituality is the awareness you have outside the limits of your ego. Just like your true self isn’t your personality, the ego has limited characteristics which do not entirely express sacred divinity in and of itself in our world. It’s a matter of unfolding what your character is exposed to learn more about your inner journey.

Regardless, your ego is not entirely awful! It’s just how we think about it that messes up our perspectives and interpretations. Other than that, it’s entirely up to you since you’re not required to adopt my beliefs.
But anyway, it’s what I think about the ego. What about yourself, do you want to kill your soul or remain immortal as you’ve been before the dawn of mankind?

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